Enjoying English

자녀와 영어로 대화하기 3, Elementary Arithmetic

engbug 2018. 4. 17. 21:14

Today's topic is 'Elementary Arithmetic'.

오늘의 주제는 '기본 사칙연산'이야.


What's that?

그게 뭐죠?


You can do that well enough but you don't know how to read the arithmetic operation in English.

너는 이미 충분히 잘하고 있지만 사칙연산을 영어로 어떻게 읽는지는 모르지.


Please, give me more details.

좀 더 자세히 알려 주세요.


Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the four basic operations of elementary arithmetic.

덧셈, 뺄셈, 곱셈, 그리고 나눗셈이 4가지 기본 사칙연산이란다.


I will show you the symbols.

내가 기호를 보여 줄께.  




Aha! Now I know what you mean.

아하! 이제 아빠가 무슨 말씀을 하는지 알겠어요.



Ok. Let's start with 'Addition'.

좋아, 그럼 덧셈부터 시작하다.



Can you read '2 + 3 = 5' in english ?

'2 + 3 = 5'를 영어로 읽을 수 있니?


Two plus three equals five.



Good job! You can also read as "Two plus three is equal to five" or "Two plus three is five."

잘 했어!  "Two plus three is equal to five" 이나 "Two plus three is five."라고도 읽을 수 있단다.



Next is 'Subtraction'.

다음은 뺄셈.


Can you read '10 - 6 = 4' in english ?


Ten minus six equals four.


Awesome! How do you know that?

오 대단한대! 어떻게 알았니?


It's a piece of cake.

그 정도야 식은 죽 먹기죠. 


You can also read as "Ten take away six is equal to four." or "Ten take away six is four." or "Ten minus six is 4."

"Ten take away six is equal to four." 나 "Ten take away six is four." 또는 "Ten minus six is 4."로도 읽을 수 있단다.


Too complicated.

너무 복잡해요.


You need to know various expressions.

다양한 표현을 알 필요가 있단다.



Multiplication and Division can be difficult for you.

곱셈과 나눗셈은 너에겐 어려울 수도 있을 거야.


I don't know how to read them in English. Please let me know.

영어로 어떻게 읽는 지 몰라요. 알려 주세요.



Ok. I will give you some examples and let you know how to read them in English.

좋아. 내가 몇 가지 예를 들어서 영어로 어떻게 읽는 지 알려 줄께.



5 x 7 = 35


This is read as "Five times seven is equal to thirty five." or "Five times seven is thirty five."
"Five times seven is equal to thirty five." 또는 "Five times seven is thirty five."로 읽을 수 있단다.



12 ÷ 3 = 4


This is read as "Twelve dividen by three is equal to four." or "Twelve dividen by three is four."

"Twelve dividen by three is equal to four." 또는 "Twelve dividen by three is four."로 읽을 수 있단다.


It's difficult for me. I need to practice.

이건 제게 어려워요. 연습이 필요해요.


Right. Keep in mind that 'Practice makes perfect!'.

맞아. 명심해라 "연습이 완벽을 만든다!"는 걸.




