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Real people aren't pieces._Person of Interest season4 명대사

engbug 2017. 12. 2. 10:46



'Person of Interest'는 내가 가장 좋아하는 미드 중 하나다.

작가는 에피소드 중간 중간에 이 드라마의 세계관(?) 내지 가치관(?)을 주인공들의 대화 속에 담아낸다. 
Season 4 Episode 14에서 인공지능인 Machine을 개발한 Finch가 Machine에게 체스를 가르쳐 주고,
나누는 아래의 대화(?)에도 그 것이 포함되어 있다.

Person of Interest S4E14, Guilty

You asked me to teach you chess and I've done that.
It's a useful mental exercise.

And through the years, many thinkers have been fascinated by it.
But I don't enjoy playing.
Do you know why not?

Because it was a game that was born during a brutal age, when life counted for little.

And everyone believed that some people were worth more than others.
Kings and pawns.
I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else.
I don't envy you the decisions you're gonna have to make.

And one day I'll be gone, and you'll have no one to talk to.
But if you remember nothing else, please remember this.

Chess is just a game.

Real people aren't pieces.
And you can't assign more value to some of them than to others.
Not to me.
Not to anyone.
People are not a thing that you can sacrifice.

The lesson is that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess deserves to lose.